You or someone you know might be interested in starting a yoga practice, but you may not know where to start, or you might even think that yoga isn’t for you. YOGA. IS. FOR. EVERYONE. You don’t need to be flexible. There are no prerequisites. You don’t need to have any particular experience. To quote my amazing teacher, Susanna Barkataki, “All of that is the watering down and westernization of physical yoga.” Asana, or the physical yoga postures, is often the sole focus in western yoga. When we think of yoga in the United States, we often think about flexible, thin, white women working out, but I’ve heard some teachers refer to yoga as a “work-in”. One of the reasons that we practice these poses is so that we can get our bodies to a point where we can physically sit and meditate for as long as we like. Once we can find comfortable stillness, we can connect the body, breath, mind, and emotions to see ourselves for who we truly are, and that is the goal of yoga, not headstand. That said, postures are a part of most yoga practices, especially most yoga classes you’ll sign up for in the US or online. Sign up for my email list here, and I’ll walk you through what I think are the ten best yoga poses for beginners. Remember, they don’t have to look perfect. They just have to serve you, to make you feel good. You’ve got this.